jueves, 6 de febrero de 2020

Female orgasm - Female climax

Female orgasm - Female climax


Author: skypeepzangiehot


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Why do females orgasm? , Female orgasm, Orgasms in women ,squirting orgasms  , The Female Climax ,female climax ,anorgàsmia female ,women orgasam ,female orgams ,o shot for women ,anorgàsmia female treatment ,female orgasim after menopause ,women orgams ,orgasim after menopause ,never orgasmed ,female orgasem ,women orgasem ,female orgasn ,female orgadm ,female orgaism ,female orgasm ,orgasiums ,female oragasm ,best ways to stimulate a woman ,best way to make a woman come , menopause and climaxing ,womens climax ,having an orgasim after menopause ,women orgasom ,women orgsm ,femal orgasim, women orgaism ,female orgasm ,women reaching climax ,female orgasm ,female orasm ,making a woman climax ,women having climax ,the female orgasam ,women ogasm ,best way to make a woman climax ,female organism ,best way to make a woman reach climax ,female climax meaning ,woman climax meaning

Let’s look at what an orgasm is for someone with a clitoris

The female orgasm is the conclusion of the arousal process in which much pleasure is felt, endorphins (the so-called hormone of happiness) are generated and tensions are released, which is why it is said that a person who has several orgasms during the week is a happier and healthier person, sex is definitely health.

In more technical words, an orgasm is the culmination of ecstasy and, with this termination, neuromuscular tensions are released, then feeling complete relaxation and producing physical changes in the woman and her state of mind. Pelvic, uterine, and anal contractions are felt.

What happens during an orgasm?

When women have an orgasm there are physical changes: they get wet, the clitoris enlarges. Muscle spasms also occur, depending on the intensity of the female orgasm this can last more or less time. In addition to these physical changes, the brain also undergoes changes because it releases chemicals such as:

1.- Endorphin: Hormone of happiness.

2.- Dopamine: Natural analgesic.

3.- Oxytocin: Hormone of love.

For something I have been indicating from the beginning of my articles that sex is health. It is scientifically proven that a person who maintains an active sex life is happier and lives longer, that is, there is a longer life expectancy.

Some orgasms make your body shake

When we have passed the stage of sensation of desire, excitement and closer to the female orgasm we can feel an increase in breathing, acceleration of the heart, spasms, and tremors. Why is this? Well, when we are totally excited we lose control of our mind and the body is not governed by the brain and acts freely.

Orgasms achieved by multisensory stimulation can be exhilarating

Multisensory stimulation is nothing more than stimulation of the senses such as: smell, sight, skin, hearing, taste, to feel pleasure. Not all of us use all the senses to stimulate ourselves, there are more auditory women, others more visual, others who are aroused by the contact of the skin. So get to know yourself and report it, hehehe.

For example, ask for massages or caresses to stimulate you by the sense of touch, ask your partner to put fragrances on your body that you like to stimulate you through smell, ask your partner to talk dirty to you to stimulate the sense of hearing, ask your partner to use flavored condoms to stimulate your sense of taste and get to work: FEMALE ORGASM IN DOOR.

What if you can’t orgasm?

That feminine orgasm, that feeling of climax, of explosion of end of the tension of the arousal many women confesses that they have never felt one. Let's see here the 8 most common reasons why women do not reach a female orgasm.

1.- Negative experiences of the past: If a woman has had a negative experience in the past regarding sexual relations, it may be, or rather, it is more likely to be blocked in this matter. She may have been the victim of a rape, for example, so she withdraws or forbids having sexual relations again, she completely loses sexual desire and the possibility of having a female orgasm. If this woman has a partner, she should share what happened with him so that they reach a degree of understanding, so that he understands what happens to her but, if the girl, if the woman does not want to tell him what happened because she feels ashamed or afraid, then it is the time for her to seek psychological help so that, with therapy, she can be taught to explore her body, stimulate herself through masturbation and thus regain confidence in the sexual plane until she can resume sexual relations much more safely.

2.- Being rushed and stressed: When a woman is stressed it is impossible to achieve the feminine climax, it may be that she feels the first two stages of sexual intercourse which are: desire and excitement, but to achieve feminine orgasm they must be totally relaxed. Now, why can women get stressed? Here are some of the reasons: children to care for, work with long hours, disagreement with their bodies. However, some women, by not caring about their partner, pretend the female orgasm but do not really feel it. It is better to talk to your partner about what is happening and find a solution between the two of you. Please do not fake female orgasm, this is not the solution nor is it advisable.

3.- Stay silent: In psychological consultations some women have expressed that, for example, their partner lasts shortly before ejaculating and that does not give them time to reach the female climax, but this case is the easiest to solve since premature ejaculation is one of the sexual problems with faster solutions. In another article I have talked about premature ejaculation, here is the link if this is the case that leads to you:

The couple must communicate before, during and after having sex, they must express what they like during the relationship, what they are feeling because their partner cannot guess, they must tell him what makes her excited, relax in order to achieve the female climax.

4.- Little or ineffective stimulation: This has evolved a little over time, today there are a few more men who stimulate their partner. In ancient times, the man only sought his own satisfaction and the woman could not reach the female orgasm, however, in psychological consultations or therapies, some women indicate that their partners do not know how to stimulate them in the previous stage and these women do not tell them anything because do not want to hurt their manhood, but the truth is that within a couple there must be communication and the woman must express to his partner what are the parts of the body make her feel pleasure or stimulates her, then communication and exploration of the body is recommended for the woman to achieve the female orgasm.

 Not feeling sexual desire: It is another reason for not climaxing in women. Now, why is sexual desire lost in women? Several causes I can mention: pregnancy, stress, menopause, after giving birth, depression, hormonal disorders, taking certain medications. When testosterone levels in a woman's body drop, it results in loss of sexual desire. If you want to delve further into this topic visit my article: Lack of sexual desire, I leave you the link:

6.- Self-demand: If a person is a perfectionist and when he goes to sexual intercourse focuses only on his performance, this will generate stress, and I already commented in previous points that to reach a female orgasm you must above all be relaxed, relaxation, relaxation and more relaxation.

7.- Feeling pain during sexual intercourse: If pain is felt during penetration, it is impossible for the woman to reach the female orgasm. Diseases such as vaginismus or dryness in the vaginal area can cause pain, so it is important to see a doctor.

8.- Problems in the couple: In therapy we have also examined cases in which the sexual problem comes from problems in the couple, that is, lack of communication or many other things. If you are interested in delving into this topic read my article: Relationship problems. As you can understand, if you do not feel in spiritual contact with your partner, if there is no communication you will not be able to reach the female orgasm:

Some tips to achieve female orgasm (female climax).

Here are some tips to achieve the female climax:

1.- The woman must feel safe: Many women worry too much about the physical aspect, they are in full sexual activity thinking about what their partner would think of them, in the areas that did not shave, how their vagina is. All these thoughts generate worry, discomfort, loss of concentration and stress, so how can you reach the feminine climax in this way? Leave the worries, feel sure of yourself and enjoy the moment.

 Stop worrying about time: What this means is that each activity has its time and place. When you are in full sexual enjoyment, forget about office or office work. At the time of sexual intercourse, focus on the sensations and so you can reach the female orgasm.

3.- Live the Present moment: Very related to the previous advice, when you are having sexual intercourse put all your senses in it, focus on how you feel with caresses, with oral sex, with all previous games. The order is: enjoy, be there, that your brain is there, that your brain is in the sexual act, this will help you to have an orgasm.

4.- Masturbating and touching yourself: This is a technique to get to know yourself, to determine which are your key or erogenous zones and, why do you want to know or determine them? Well, to let your partner know. Okay?

5.- Zero obsession: Do not get obsessed with having an orgasm, that will generate more stress, do not worry, everything comes when it has to.

6.- Use lubricant during intercourse: Using lubricants stimulates natural lubrication and intercourse will be more pleasant and painless. A parched vagina can generate pain. Do you remember that I already mentioned it?

7.- And finally, replace negative thoughts with positive ones, don't take it so seriously, sex is for enjoying, for relaxing, not for stressing yourself out.

If you liked my article do not forget to share it on your social networks, this would help me a lot. And I would like to read your comments, I stay tuned to them. Regards.

Author: skypeepzangiehot


Ignore tags:
Why do females orgasm? , Female orgasm, Orgasms in women ,, The Female Climax ,female climax ,anorgàsmia female ,women orgasam ,female orgams ,o shot for women ,anorgàsmia female treatment ,female orgasim after menopause ,women orgams ,orgasim after menopause ,never orgasmed ,female orgasem ,women orgasem ,female orgasn ,female orgadm ,female orgaism ,female orgasm ,orgasiums ,female oragasm ,best ways to stimulate a woman ,best way to make a woman come , menopause and climaxing ,womens climax ,having an orgasim after menopause ,women orgasom ,women orgsm ,femal orgasim, women orgaism ,female orgasm ,women reaching climax ,female orgasm ,female orasm ,making a woman climax ,women having climax ,the female orgasam ,women ogasm ,best way to make a woman climax ,female organism ,best way to make a woman reach climax   meaning ,female climax meaning ,woman climax , squirting orgasms


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