miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2020

Title: Losing sexual desire

Title: Losing sexual desire

Author: skypeepzangiehot

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losing sexual desire !, losing sexual desire, losing sexual desire during pregnancy, losing sexual desire in a relationship, losing sexual desire after menopause, losing sexual desire for your partner loss, sexual desire, loss sexual desire after menopause, low sexual desire treatment, low sexual desire disorder, low sexual desire causes.

Title: Losing sexual desire

Sexual desire in a person appears when faced with a stimulus that interprets it as sexual, it can be an image, a movie, a person. When we feel sexual desire the first thing we try to do is satisfy it either with masturbation or having relationships with another person, when we feel sexual desire our physical state changes, we experience: an increase in heart rate, an increase in blood pressure and reddened skin.

But this sexual desire can be lost, we say that we lose in sexual desire when we have no interest in sexual relations.

Causes of lack of sexual desire

There are causes that generate the loss of sexual desire and this can be organic or psychological.

Among the organic factors we can mention: Treatment with some medications, Hormonal alterations and neuroendocrine problems, Metabolic diseases, Chronic diseases.

Psychological causes include: Relationship problems, Sexual dysfunctions, such as anorgasmia, vaginismus or erectile dysfunction, Mood disorders, Anxiety and stress, Tiredness, Fear of not satisfying the partner, Unsatisfactory sex life, Monotony.

It is common to say when we meet a bad-tempered person phrases such as: "You need sex ...", "Hopefully someone will do you a favor ...", "It seems that you had bad sex", "It shows that it has been a long time since you had sex…". And it is definitely proven that sex affects our moods and our desires to continue living.

When sexual desire is lost it can be recognized by the following:

They Avoid being alone with your partner, do not take the first step to have relationships, there is no interest in masturbation, it is difficult to concentrate within the sexual relationship, problems achieving erection (in men), loss of self-esteem.

But if it is so important to lead a proper sex life, because as we already know influences our moods, then: How do we recover sexual desire?

To recover sexual desire, the cause that originates it must first be evaluated, thus determining whether it is due to psychological or physical factors.

Some of the general recommendations would be: Reduce stress, improve communication with your partner, improve the quality of your sexual relations, consult a professional to prescribe some medication in case the problem is organic.

Author: skypeepzangiehot

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losing sexual desire !, losing sexual desire, losing sexual desire during pregnancy, losing sexual desire in a relationship, losing sexual desire after menopause, losing sexual desire for your partner loss, sexual desire, loss sexual desire after menopause, low sexual desire treatment, low sexual desire disorder, low sexual desire causes.


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